Earlier in 2021, Keith Morison reached out to us and all MAAC (Model Aeronautics Association of Canada) for members to respond with their Youtube Channels and some basic information. We were honoured to be interviewed for a column in the May/June 2021 issue of MAAC magazine! Keith Visited to get some pictures of the current shop area as well as the video editing area! At the time of doing the interview for the article, The Lighter Side Of RC YouTube Channel had about 8000 subscribers. Now about 5 months later we are getting close to 13,500. It's outstanding to see all the growth and support for the Channel!
During the interview we talked about many hobby specific and YouTube specific items. It's valuable to reflect on these things often. I offered 5 tips in the article and they are things I wish I would have done sooner!
Thanks for checking in!