First off, let's address the Elephant in the Room! YES, I am missing most of my fingers on my left hand. Most people that meet me for the first time never notice. Many people that I get to know go weeks, maybe months without noticing and are shocked that they never noticed! I don’t have any amazing stories like a shark attack or an axe incident, but it’s simply the way I was born. Generally my disability doesn’t hinder my day to day life, I fly RC Aircraft, play guitar and can do pretty much anything any normal person can do. As many have said to me it doesn’t seem to slow me down.
I have always been an avid RC'er, mostly focused on the RC Car side when I was younger. I would always venture to the airplanes at the model stores, however I would find myself mesmerized and overwhelmed and never got into it when I was young. Perhaps that's where my desire comes from to help others, get into, or stay in the plane side of the hobby.
In 2007 I was walking through one of our local hobby shops and was intrigued by all the helicopters that were available. Shortly after that day, I got involved in the aviation side of the hobby with Heli's.
Within a year, I had started with an Align 450, quickly graduated to a Raptor 50 and then a pair of Align Trex 700’s, becoming quite proficient in flight.

In 2008 I purchased a foam plane to figure things out with and shortly after, purchased a Aeroworks Extra 300 kit outfitted with a 30cc DLE engine. Late in 2009 I got a call from a friend who purchased his first turbine jet, I met him at the field and within a few weeks I got involved in the turbine side of the hobby.
Working with turbines has been an amazing learning experience and I enjoy the building, complexity and repairs as much as I enjoy the flying.
I currently travel to as many events as I can. Some are jet only rallies and some are scale events or others. Most events will range from single day up to multi day or week long events. Although Covid put a bit of a damper on things in 2020 we still managed to have a decent amount of events to attend within our western portion of Canada. In July of 2019 a group of us had the opportunity to open up both days of the Spring Bank Airshow with 30 minutes of demo flights from our RC Jets! We also had the opportunity to setup a static display at the airshow. This allowed us to show off the models up close and answer all the questions from Young and Old!
Thank you for all your continued support and I look froward to the future of this amazing journey!